Live long and Prosper- Long Live Beerworks

By | January 5, 2016

This Saturday, January 9th, is a red letter day for “Long Live Beerworks” as it will be the first time they open their doors to the public. Owner, Brewmaster and founding Rhode Island Brewing Society member, Armando DeDona is following the dream we all hold. Armando has worked hard, studied harder, and brewed beers that do not compromise quality. We wish him good luck and are looking forward to checking out his brewery right in downtown Providence. Cheers!

For more information check out the Long Live Beerworks website!

December Meeting

By | December 2, 2015

ChristmasBeer1The usual monthly meeting for December is cancelled in favor of our annual Holiday party and beer swap for members only. If you would like to attend please check back in with us after the new year. Our next public meeting will be January 14th.

Till then, grab some Porter or Scotch ale, light a fire and share it with your loved ones. Stay safe for the Holidays, don’t drink and drive.


Up and Coming Events

By | October 12, 2015

The Rhode Island Brewing Society is making its last run of Home Brewing 101 classes for the year. You can catch us at these locations.

Harmony Public Library Oct19th – Class Starts at 6PM.
-Check their website for more details.

Louttit Library in West Greenwich Oct 27th – Class starts at 7PM.
– Check their website for more details.
If you or anyone you know has thought about getting into home brewing these classes are geared towards getting started with the basics.

Jamborees to Dictators

By | September 27, 2015

The summer heat is over and the leaves are starting to change meaning outdoor brewing is way more tolerable. This also means that RIBS headed up to New Hampshire for the New England Homebrewer’s Jamboree. IMG_20150911_202728252This was our second year at the jamboree and as the year before, it was a great time! You can see some pictures here.

Even though we are a New England based club, we haven’t just been wandering around the Northern Kingdom with a bunch of other brewers. RIBS has been making diplomatic relations with other home brew clubs. We had the opportunity to spend some time with Sheri Jewhurst who is the dictator of Brewminaries out of Brooklyn, NY, when she joined us for a monthly RIBS meeting. We had a chance to exchange some ideas and see how the club and brewers handle their beers. We look forward to possibly doing collaborations with them in the future and visiting their club!




RIBS President Charlie Baron presenting honorary RIBS schwag to Brewminaries Dictator Sherri Jewhurst.

August Meeting

By | August 12, 2015

We had a great time at RI Mini Maker Faire/Foo Fest, and got the chance to talk to many awesome people about making beer. We want to remind everyone that we have our meetings are every second Thursday of the month.

This month’s meeting will be August 13th. We meet at the Motif Headquarters (65 Blackstone Ave, Pawtucket) and the meetings start around 7pm. Guests are free to bring their latest creation for feedback or some interesting/new/rare brews they may have found in their travels and want to share, but it is not necessary.

If you have any questions please let us know by shooting us an email to or check us out on Twitter or Facebook.

We look forward to meeting with everyone!

Foo Fest and Mini Maker Faire

By | August 6, 2015

If you like live music, artists, and makers come join us this Saturday at the RI Mini Maker Faire, part of the AS220 Foo Fest. We’ll be doing our annual live brewing demonstrations from 1PM till 8PM. Come see how beer is made, try to stump us with your best brewing questions, or horrify us with stories of your sanitation practices.

This Saturday’s forecast calls for a 50% chance of precipitation and 100% chance of fun.


Coventry Library Home Brewing 101 Class

By | June 8, 2015

Did you miss out on The Barrington Home Brewing 101 class? Or just discover that in 1978 President Carter allowed for home brewing to be legal in United States? Come join the Rhode Island Brewing Society for The Home Brewing 101 class at the Coventry Public library, June 17th at 7PM. We will be going over the basics of recipes, equipment and best practices. This is a 21+ event, come thirsty for beer knowledge! As always for more information contact theĀ Coventry Public Library.

Barrington Library Home Brewing 101 Class

By | May 28, 2015

Ever want to learn to home brew but figured it was probably too hard? Well Join us June 4th at the Barrington Public Library starting at 7pm for a Home Brewing 101 class. We will talk the basics of home brewing, how to get started, common mistakes, and we will open the floor to a Q&A session. Contact the library to sign up and to get more information or visit their website here.

May Meeting (5/21/2015) Notes

By | May 22, 2015

The Rhode Island Brewing Society held their May meeting (rescheduled from May 14th) last night at our latest meeting location, the MOTIF Magazine Headquarters. Turn out was low due to the rescheduled date, but we welcomed two new guests to the meeting; great to meet you Chris & Dave! Chris & Dave are experienced homebrewers who provided some great brewing tips and shared some of their home brew.

Charlie lead the meeting and provided the following updates on recent and future club events.

American Homebrewers Association Big Brew Day

RIBS held their American Homebrewers Association Big Brew Day on April 26, 2015 (the official date is May 2nd, but this was the day that worked for most RIBS members). The club set out to brew 40 gallons of a Rye IPA recipe. It was a challenging day (after our brewery visits the previous day), but everyone had fun.

Ocean State Home Brew Competition

Feedback from RIBS members, guests, sponsors, and other clubs was very positive. The event had 211 entries and none were lost. We congratulate Jim, Aaron, Kate, Josh, Tony, Chris, Ryan, today’s guests Chris & Dave for their competition victories. We also want to give a big THANKS to all RIBS competition volunteers, especially Chris Moran, for their hard work and excellent execution of this important club activity.

Upcoming Club Events

Homebrewing 101

June 4, 2015 – Barrington Library, Barrington, RI

June 17, 2015 – Coventry Library, Coventry, RI

Volunteers: Charlie, Dan, Kate, Dennis


Summer Quarterly Brew Competition

Date TBD, but planning for end of summer and will be combined with a BBQ.

The competition will be Iron Chef style, with a list of ingredients to be finalized soon.


New England Homebrewers Jamboree (NH)

September 11 & 12, 2015 – Tamworth Campground, Tamworth, NH

Tickets go on sale July 1, 2015.


Club Officers Change

Due to work commitments, Mike Ryan has stepped down from his position of Club Secretary. We thank Mike for his time and efforts! Tim has volunteered to take over the position.


Meeting Update

By | May 11, 2015

Meeting Update!

This week’s meeting is going to be postponed till May21 (next Thursday). We have the Ocean State Home brew Competition in our sites and we are working feverishly to wrap up any loose ends. We look forward to seeing everyone next week and sorry for the inconvenience.