Brewing Software

By | March 12, 2012

I am always keeping an eye out to see what kinds of brewing software is available for the average home brewer. The traditional beer software you hear the most about is ProMash and BeerSmith, they are both excellent pieces of software. Some people chose on over the other for various reasons and features. As for myself I usually write everything down, but for each recipe I keep a folder on my computer with all my recipes written up in Qbrew. The software is Open Source (free to download here) it comes with basic features for building recipes. It also has enough hops, grains, yeasts, and adjuncts built in so you start using it right away.

Qbrew has been a good stand by, but today I started reading about the BrewTarget brewing software, which is another feature rich and Open Source piece of home brewing software. One of the key features is that it uses beerXML and you can import your BeerSmith recipes. The interface is clean and useful whether you are brewing or just building a recipe. I am going to try it out for my next batch to see it works, and I will post a review. If you have tried it before let us know. Don’t forget if you like the software, toss the developer a few bucks, I bet they would love a beer for their hard work.

One thought on “Brewing Software

  1. Lord Viper Scorpion

    This software is balls-out awesome! FOSS and Beersmith compatible makes me very happy

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