The long endless winter is finally coming to an end. It is time for us to emerge from our deep hibernation and fire up the brew kettles and get brewing. Not to say we haven’t been active all winter, we have recently taken control of the OSHC and have been working with local organizations and other RI based brew clubs to make that happen.
We kicked off our first Spring meeting at our new meeting location; Motif magazine was nice enough to lend our their headquarters for our meetings. We settled right in to the new meeting space with our quarterly competition. This was a BJCP category 10 SMaSH, for those not familiar with SMaSH brewing it is a SingleMalt and SingleHop. This particular brewing method really puts constraints on the brewer when conforming to the styles.
The winners were Chris M. in first and a tie for second place with Ed W. and Josh F.
Keep an eye out as RIBS will be performing Home Brewing 101 classes throughout the state in the coming months. Additional information will be posted to the website and social media pages, alternatively you can email info@ribrewingsociety.