In Beer We Trust.

By | October 31, 2012

Every two years, in the waning days of the fall we hear the constant political drumbeat assaulting our brains through every channel possible. Some years it’s louder than others. This year it’s like having your head between the double kick drums of Lars Ulrich back in the days of Master of Puppets.

Some of you may be pretty jaded by now because of all the false promises, mud-slinging and pandering in the national spot light. And truthfully  I wouldn’t blame you for feeling that way, but I’m obliged to point out, that though the political arena may be a two ring circus, it is still our duty to vote. Aside from contributing to a healthy democracy and the strength of our nation, a few very simple reasons come to mind:

January 16th 1919 – The Eighteenth Amendment was passed – Liquor production, sales, transport are all banned, Homebrewing also outlawed
October 28th 1919 – The Volstead Act – Congress passed this act to enforce the provisions of the 18th Amendment.
December 5th 1933 – The Twenty First Amendment repeals the 18th Amendment but doesn’t legalize beer brewing at home
October 14th 1978 – Homebrewing Beer leaglized when President Carter signed H.R. 1337

All of these events were precipitated by groups of politically active citizens fighting for what they believed in (wrong or right). So you see, politics has the ability to affect your everyday life and your right to drink and make beer. That’s why it’s important to make it out to the ballot box and vote. Remember, it’s very easy for a few people yelling at the top of their lungs to drown out the crowd (see, Women’s Christian Temperance Union and Anti-Saloon League). Not sure where to vote? Google has you covered.

Another great way to preserve your democracy is to have a CIVIL political discourse with your friends over a few homebrews. We may not always agree with each other about some issues, but as long as you respect each other’s opinions you may just be able to compromise and find some common ground. Political discussion isn’t about who can yell the loudest, as most news networks may want you to believe, but about finding common ground with your neighbors.

With the great strides the country has made in homebrewing there are still some states where it is illegal. The American Homebrewers Association is active in trying to get it legal in those states as well as a good resource to learn more about the history of home brewing.

So this November 6th make sure you get out to the polls and exercise your right to Vote (and drink homebrew). It does count.




PS. Don’t forget RIBS monthly meeting on November 8th, 7PM Trinity Brew House Basement